- Home
- Training
- Learn to scuba dive
- New to scuba diving?
- Try scuba diving
- Adventure Diver course
- Discovery Diver course
- Ocean Diver course
- Accessibility - diving for all
- What gear will I need?
- Basic scuba gear explained
- How safe is scuba diving?
- What does it cost?
- How long does it take?
- Why choose BSAC?
- 'Get started in SCUBA' - free magazine
- Online learning hub
- BSAC eLearning
- Learn to dive with BSAC eLearning
- Advance your scuba training with eLearning
- Specialise your skills with eLearning
- eLearning FAQs
- Diving Manual
- BSAC 88 air decompression tables
- BSAC 88 Nitrox decompression tables
- Learn to snorkel with eLearning
- Diver training support – quizzes, videos and more
- Diving skills to practice at home - videos
- Catch up on webinars
- Programme of webinars
- UK wreck guides - videos
- Human factors in the world of diving
- Online learning support for clubs and centres
- Learn to snorkel
- Try snorkelling
- Find a snorkel club
- What gear will I need?
- Beginner courses
- Snorkelling centres
- Snorkelling in the UK
- Fit to snorkel?
- Why snorkel with BSAC?
- Skill Development Courses
- Club diving courses
- Accelerated Decompression Procedures (ADP)
- Buoyancy and Trim Workshop
- Compressor Operation
- Dive Planning and Management
- Marine Life Appreciation
- Mixed Gas Blender / Nitrox Gas Blender
- Search and Recovery
- Wreck Diver
- Wreck Appreciation
- Twin-set Diver
- Advanced Wreck Diver
- Drysuit Training
- Primary Donate Workshop
- Ocean Diver Nitrox workshop
- Sports Diver Nitrox workshop
- Safety and rescue courses
- First Aid for Divers
- Oxygen Administration
- Practical Rescue Management
- Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- Lifesaver Award
- Advanced Lifesaver Award
- Advanced Snorkel Lifesaver Award
- Snorkel Lifesaver Award
- RNLI Diver Sea Survival Workshop
- Seamanship courses
- Boat handling
- Chartwork and Position Fixing
- Diver Coxswain Assessment
- Special interest courses
- Shore Surveyor
- Underwater Surveyor
- BSAC Beachcomber
- Underwater photography
- Ice Diving
- Register Interest in Skill Development Courses
- Instructor courses
- All scuba instructor training courses
- Instructor Foundation Course (IFC)
- Theory Instructor
- Practical Instructor
- Open Water Instructor (OWI)
- Advanced Instructor
- National Instructor
- Instructor Crossover Course
- Instructor Development Course
- Combined instructor training events
- Twin-set Instructor Workshop
- Instructing Skill Development Courses (SDCs)
- Technical diving instruction
- Technical Instructor course
- Snorkel instruction
- Snorkel Instructor
- Diving For All (DfA) programme
- DfA Instructor Course
- DfA Awareness Course
- DfA Advice and Guidance
- Technical diving courses
- Take a rebreather Try Dive
- Is technical diving for me?
- Try Tech Events
- Other agency tech diver?
- Closed circuit rebreather (CCR) courses
- Poseidon Se7en CCR Diver
- MOD 1 AP Vision CCR Diver
- MOD 1 AP Mixed Gas Top-up
- MOD 2 CCR Diver
- Advanced Mixed Gas CCR Diver (80m)
- Divesoft Liberty CCR Diver
- Open circuit tech courses
- Sport Mixed Gas Diver (50m)
- Explorer Mixed Gas Diver (60m)
- Advanced Mixed Gas Diver (80m)
- Find a tech instructor
- Find a tech friendly club
- Find a Technical Centre
- Diver grade courses
- Discovery Diver
- Advanced Ocean Diver
- Advanced Ocean Diver to Sports Diver
- Ocean Diver
- Sports Diver
- Dive Leader
- Advanced Diver
- First Class Diver
- Register your interest for FCD
- Diver Training Days
- Snorkeller grade courses
- Children's courses
- Beachcomber course
- Snorkelling courses
- BSAC Safeguarding policy
- View all BSAC courses
- Find a BSAC Training Centre
- UK BSAC Centres
- Overseas BSAC Centres
- Maltaqua, Malta
- Rec2Tech Scuba, Cyprus
- Underworld Tulum, Mexico
- Pharaoh Dive Club, Egypt
- Dive Deep Blue, Malta
- Safari Diving Lanzarote
- Find a Technical Centre
- Become a BSAC Centre
- BSAC Charter Boat Centres
- Jurassic Aqua Sports
- Your BSAC training options explained
- Learn to dive
- New to scuba diving?
- Become a scuba diver
- Why learn with BSAC?
- Try scuba diving in a pool
- Ocean Diver beginner course
- How much will learning to dive cost?
- How long does it take to learn?
- What equipment will I need?
- Learn to snorkel
- Try snorkelling
- Beginner snorkelling courses
- Snorkelling in the UK
- All scuba courses
- Discovery Diver: learn to dive from the age of 10
- Ocean Diver: learn to dive from the age of 12
- Try UK diving
- Already a diver? Switch to BSAC
- Get involved
- Find a club or centre
- Already a qualified diver?
- Volunteer
- Start a BSAC club
- Become a BSAC centre
- Find a club or centre
- BSAC club life
- Is club life for me?
- Get inspired by club life videos
- Why choose BSAC?
- Find a club
- Find a dive club
- Find a snorkelling club
- Find a tech club
- Start a BSAC club
- Find a centre
- Find a UK training centre
- Find an overseas training centre
- Find a tech centre
- Find an overseas resort
- Try scuba diving with a club
- Start a BSAC club
- Support for new clubs
- Already a qualified diver?
- PADI, SAA or SSI Scuba Instructor?
- Already a diver
- Qualified PADI (or other agency) diver?
- Equivalent BSAC qualifications
- Refresh your scuba skills
- Preparation for a return to diving
- Start a diving club
- Qualified PADI, SAA or SSI Instructor?
- Instructor crossover course
- Why choose BSAC?
- Learnt to scuba dive overseas?
- Other agency tech diver?
- Try UK diving
- Is club life for me?
- Equivalent BSAC qualifications
- Become a BSAC Centre
- UK diving
- Why we love UK diving
- World class wreck diving
- Marine life encounters
- Video - Diving with grey seals in 360°
- Try UK diving
- Top UK dive sites
- UK inland dive sites
- UK shore diving
- Scuba gear for UK diving
- Snorkelling in the UK
- Top UK snorkelling sites
- UK diving FAQs
- Diving expeditions
- Scuba gear for UK diving
- Top UK dive sites
- Top UK snorkelling sites
- UK inland dive sites
- UK shore diving
- World class wreck diving
- Marine life encounters
- Video - Diving with grey seals in 360°
- UK dive sites
- Safety
- Diving and Snorkelling Incidents
- In the event of a diving incident
- Reporting a diving incident
- When you should report a diving incident
- Why you should report a diving incident
- Annual Diving Incident Report
- Incident Report presentation - Dive Industry
- Member insurance
- Summary of cover document
- Medical matters and medical forms
- Diving fitness and medical forms
- Snorkelling fitness and medical forms
- Download medical referee form
- UKDMC medical conditions
- UKDMC medical referees
- UKDMC medical FAQs
- UKDMC appeals process
- DCI helpline - National decompression illness helpline
- Oxygen administration training
- Incident procedure and casualty assessment forms
- Safety and rescue courses
- Covid-19 Safe Diving guidance
- BSAC's Safe Diving Guide
- Is diving safe - press information
- Safe Diving guide
- Pool safety officer's guidelines
- Diver Guidance for Immersion Pulmonary Oedema (IPO)
- IPO Guidance for Snorkellers
- Advice & support
- This is BSAC
- What we do
- BSAC team
- Governance
- BSAC rules and policies
- Our history
- Support for clubs
- Diving and training support
- The Diving Officer's role
- Diving Officer and diving member responsibilities
- Branch + Centre partnership scheme
- The Dive Manager
- Run a Diver Training Day
- Welcoming other agency trained divers
- Technical diving advice to DOs
- Incident reports
- Adhering to diving recommendations
- Planning club diving
- Club equipment
- Visiting and transferring members
- Pool share scheme
- Staging SDCs in your club
- Dive expeditions
- Pool closures
- Snorkelling support
- Start a snorkelling section
- Snorkelling pool games
- Snorkeller Grade Courses
- Snorkelling Tips
- Grow your club
- Five steps to recruit new members
- Website advice
- Recruit Try Divers and new trainees
- How to welcome already trained divers
- Know and Grow club support
- Youth Engagement Hub
- Welcome presentation for new members
- Downloadable images for clubs
- Downloadable videos for clubs
- Succeed on social media
- Get found on Google Maps
- Marketing plan for BSAC clubs
- Order marketing and promotional materials
- Using promo material
- BSAC brand and logo
- Community events
- Maximise the media
- Need inspiration?
- Duty of care and welfare
- Duty of care and welfare – club checklist
- Welfare Officer role outline
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Welcoming disabled people into our community
- Child safeguarding
- Adult safeguarding
- DBS disclosure process
- Membership admin support
- Membership administration – quick start guide
- Club Management System - Latest release
- Direct Debit for club members
- Direct Debit Branch Levy Scheme
- Tax relief
- Excise duty relief
- Volunteer expenses
- Advice from Sport England
- Grant funding advice
- Template Bye-laws for clubs
- University club support
- University club guide and checklist
- Training and membership offers
- Resources for university clubs
- BSAC Membership handbook
- Women in BSAC
- Benefits of a gender-diverse club
- Tips to promote your club to women
- Practical tips for the first visit
- Keeping women in your club
- Diving and training guidance on under 18s
- Branch Officer guidance
- Chairperson
- Diving Officer
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Support for instructors
- Download instructor materials
- Diver Training Programme
- Skill Development Courses (SDCs) training
- Technical training
- Snorkel training
- Instructor trainer resources
- Diving For All resources
- Scuba Refresher session
- Instructor course materials
- Advanced Ocean Diver support
- Advanced Ocean Diver (AOD) – FAQs for BSAC instructors
- Advanced Ocean Diver (AOD) – FAQs for BSAC Centres
- Awarding AOD to Sports Diver trainees
- Online learning support for instructors in clubs
- BSAC eLearning platform - how it works
- eLearning FAQs for instructors, clubs and centres
- Training webinar support
- Special interest webinar support
- Online learning hub
- Management of Online DTP theory examinations
- Instructor exam support
- Open Water Instructor demo lessons
- Open Water Instructor exam pass rates
- REAP guidance
- PIE Equipment requirements
- Advice for students with reading/learning difficulties
- PIE booking guidance
- PIE exam video demonstration of rescue breaths and surface tow
- DTP courses you can teach
- SDCs you can teach
- Training other agency divers
- Instructing on Diver Training Days
- Diver Training Programme review
- FAQs
- Immersion Pulmonary Oedema (IPO) Guidance
- Instructor update Summer 2020
- Amendments to rescue procedures – Summer 2020 update
- Sign off lessons digitally
- A guide to using the eQRB on the App
- Digital Qualification Record Book (eQRB) - FAQs
- Expenses
- Support for centres
- Diver training support
- BSAC eLearning - how it all works
- Centre instructor workshops
- Instructor Cross Course student materials
- QCard Applications for Centres
- Centre eLearning student pack purchase
- Ordering training packs and QCards
- BSAC brand and centre promo materials
- Risk assessment guidelines
- Notification of Instructor Training Events
- Centre support during COVID-19
- Support for Regional Teams
- Roles and FAQs
- ‘How to’ guidance
- Managing events
- Useful materials and links
- Diver training support
- Videos and quizzes
- Ocean Diver trainee support
- Ocean Diver skills videos
- Sports Diver trainee support
- Dive Leader quizzes
- First Class Diver trainee support
- Skill Development Course support
- Air Purity Test video
- How to fill a cylinder video
- Managing mental health
- Technical diving
- Is technical diving for me?
- CCR courses
- Open circuit tech courses
- Other agency tech diver?
- BSAC Technical Standards
- BSAC Technical Events
- BSAC Technical Instructor
- Annex A – BSAC Technical Instructor Experience Prerequisites
- Annex B – Technical Instructor Flow chart
- BSAC Technical Instructor Trainer
- Annex C – BSAC Tech IT Experience Prerequisites
- Annex D – Technical Instructor Trainer Flow chart
- BSAC Technical Course Development
- BSAC Technical Events Flowchart
- Gas density tables and recommendations
- BSAC recommended diving gas mixtures for open circuit diving
- Use of 100% oxygen
- BSAC CCR units for hire
- Life insurance for tech divers
- Dive planning
- Dive sites and access
- Malta Diving Guidance
- Risk assessments
- Conducting a risk assessment
- Pool safety officers guidelines
- Risk assessment FAQs
- Boats and seamanship
- Safe Diving guide - Seamanship
- Seamanship courses
- Safety on the boat
- Solas V regulations guidelines
- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
- Towing
- International Certificate of Competence
- Emergency wreck marking buoy
- Out of date flares (pyrotechnics)
- Kit checklists
- Become a BSAC Centre
- Military membership
- Accessibility - diving for all
- Scuba travel
- Top dive sites of the world
- Resort Centres
- Find an BSAC Training Centre
- Feature from Sept SCUBA - booking club hols
- Discounted dive holidays for BSAC members
- Diving and training support blogs
- Diver skills
- Scuba gear
- Diver training
- Safety blog
- Expedition diving
- Diving expeditions
- Get involved in a BSAC Expedition
- Get involved in Scapa 100 expedition
- Get involved in the Eyemouth wreck diving expedition
- Oban & Sound of Mull Advanced Diver training expedition
- Normandy 75 commemorative event
- Get involved in the Malin Head wreck diving expedition
- Register your interest in technical diving expeditions
- Planning an expedition
- Diving expeditions FAQs
- Expedition plans and reports
- Regional Expeditionary Diving Scheme (REDS)
- Fund your expedition: Jubilee Trust grant applications
- Respect our wrecks
- Respect our wrecks policy
- Protected wrecks
- Marine licensing
- Wreck courses
- Protect our seas
- BSAC diver and snorkeller guidelines to protect our seas
- Marine and coastal wildlife code
- BSAC marine conservation projects and events – get involved!
- List your marine conservation project or event
- Operation Oyster
- Planning a small diving project
- Beach cleans
- Underwater litter picks
- Planning your underwater litter pick dive
- Underwater litter pick safety guide
- Dive your underwater litter pick plan
- Helping sharks in UK seas
- Guidance on Seal interactions
- Operation Oyster
- How to get involved with Operation Oyster
- Operation Oyster partners
- Facts about Ostrea edulis
- Behind Operation Oyster
- Record your oyster findings
- Oyster identification guide
- Great Seagrass Survey
- Why seagrass is important
- How to get involved with seagrass surveys
- Facts about seagrass
- How to survey seagrass
- Record your seagrass findings
- Environment-related BSAC training courses
- Diving year planner
- Awards and recognition
- BSAC awards and prizes
- BSAC award winners
- BSAC Heinke Trophy
- BSAC Heinke Trophy winners
- Heinke Trophy history
- How to enter the Heinke Trophy
- Your Heinke Trophy entry
- Heinke Trophy registration form
- BSAC Expeditions Trophy
- Prince of Wales Scuba Award
- Peter Small Jubilee Trust Award
- Colin McLeod Jubilee Trust Award
- Funding for projects
- Apply for a Jubilee Trust grant
- Peter Small Jubilee Trust Award
- Volunteer with BSAC
- Support for licensees
- BSAC Egypt support area
- BSAC Egypt Open Water Instructor Exam resourses
- Safeguarding information for parents and guardians of club members
- Membership
- Become a member
- Rejoin BSAC
- Member benefits
- Dive travel discounts
- Partner conditions
- Dive kit discounts
- Northern Diver - get 10% off
- O’Three BSAC membership deal
- Otter Drysuits exclusive deals - 10% off
- Custom Divers exclusive deals
- Weezle exclusive deals
- Navionics - save up to 15%
- Save 15% with SEAC SUB
- Scubapro 40% savings offer
- Insurance discounts
- Travel insurance for divers
- Boat and vessel insurance
- Diving club insurance
- Life insurance for divers
- Save with BSAC Plus
- Specialist course discounts
- 10% off AccuPixel photogrammetry course
- 33% off mental health awareness training
- SCUBA magazine
- Sample issue of SCUBA
- iSCUBA archive
- Got a story for SCUBA?
- Advertise with SCUBA
- Cotswold discount code
- Stay connected with the MyBSAC app
- SCUBA magazine
- iSCUBA archive
- Sample copy of iSCUBA
- Got a story for SCUBA?
- Advertise with SCUBA
- Membership fees and prices
- Member insurance
- Support BSAC with Easy Fundraising
- Student graduate offer
- News & blog
- Find a club
- Is club life for me?
- Why choose BSAC?
- Join a club online now
- New to scuba diving?
- Already a qualified diver?
- Find a club or centre
- Find a scuba diving club
- Find a snorkelling club
- Find a tech friendly club
- Find a centre
- Start a BSAC club
- Support for new clubs
- Support for clubs
- Switch to BSAC
- BSAC Thames Boat Run 2020
- Instructors
- QCards for Instructors
- Contact us
- Media centre
- BSAC rules and policies
- Website disclaimer
- Qualification cards
- This is BSAC
- What we do
- Training
- Club life
- BSAC Centres
- British Sub-Aqua Jubilee Trust
- Jubilee Trust - what we do
- Jubilee Trust Awards
- How to apply for a Jubilee Trust grant
- The Jubilee Trust Trustees
- Jubilee Trust funded projects
- Project videos
- Jubilee Trust guide to projects
- More on BSAC Expedition diving
- Safety
- Membership
- Expedition diving
- Protect our seas
- Respect our wrecks
- Campaigning
- Encourage the next generation
- BSAC team
- Volunteer vacancies
- President
- BSAC Council
- National Diving Committee
- Regional Coaches
- London Region
- South East Region
- Southern Region
- South West Region
- Eastern Region
- East Midlands Region
- West Midlands Region
- Yorkshire Region
- North East Region
- North West Region
- North Scotland Region
- South Scotland Region
- Wales Region
- Ireland Region
- North Europe Region
- AsiaPac Region
- HQ staff
- BSAC International
- Governance
- Get into governance
- Strategic plan to 2025
- Minutes and reports
- Strategic plan to 2029
- Our history
- Key milestones
- BSAC pioneers
- Archive videos
- BSAC rules and policies
- Equality, diversity and inclusion
- Child safeguarding policy
- DBS disclosure process
- Safeguarding training
- Child safeguarding FAQs
- Club Welfare Officer (CWO)
- Adult safeguarding policy
- Privacy policy
- Acceptable usage policy
- Website disclaimer
- Your MyBSAC website account
- Incident Reporting Data Policy
- BSAC Alternative Supply (AS) Policy
- Disciplinary Policy
- 1. Disciplinary Policy - Introduction
- 2. BSAC Code of Conduct, Rules and Guidance
- 3. Handling of incidents/complaints in branches
- 4. Support
- 5. Escalation of disciplinary action
- 6. Grievance procedure
- 7. Grievance form
- 8. Grievance processing
- Get involved
- Terms & conditions
- Privacy
- Cookies
- Cookie settings
- Safeguarding
- Privacy policy
- Policy information
- Book training events
- Shop
- BSAC gift vouchers
- Help! Which training pack do I need?
- Test
- MyBSAC guide
- Forgotten password
- Learn to scuba dive with BSAC
- New to scuba diving?
- Try scuba diving