In this useful scuba diving guide to Craig-y-Mor, North Wales, UK shore diving author and BSAC member Anita Sherwood shares her top tips with the diving community.
From the beach, snorkel out through the shallow inlet of the first island, then head straight out to sea leaving Craig-y-Mor house behind. In the summer months, moon and blue jellies drift by with the current, sparkling under the summer light.
The dive circumnavigates the last rock south of the bay (see plan). Around the west and seaward side of the island are some spectacular gorges, but you do need to forage in the kelp so as not to miss any. Inside the gullies, the ledges are home to lobsters, squat lobsters, crabs and leopard spotted gobies. Ballan and corkwing wrasse weave in and out of the overhanging forests of kelp.
Some of the walls are cloaked with the red sea squirts, speckled among which are various varieties of sponges and anemones. Small dead men’s fingers dangle off the overhangs. The north side of the island is not as dramatic, and so arrival here indicates the end of the dive. A northerly compass bearing will bring you back into the bay.

Location: Holyhead, North Wales
Directions: A55 to Holyhead υ left B4545 υ left Lon Isallt υ left down small road to house on the hill, park on grassy verge
Sat Nav: LL65 2WG (nearest postcode)
Grid refs: SH246792Lat: 53:16:51N Lon: 4:37:53W
Air fill: Anglesey Divers: 01407 764545 www.diveanglesey.co.uk
Currents: Swell with SE, S, SW, W winds, slight current between islands
Hazards: Possible boat traffic
B&B: Ingledene: 01407 861026
Campsite: Bagnol Camping, 01407 860223
Pub food: The Anchorage Hotel: 01407 740168
Coastguard: Holyhead: 01407 762051/763911
This UK Diving article was originally published in SCUBA magazine, Issue 108 November 2020.
Featured image by Anita Sherwood - A picturesque overhang at Craig-y-Mor
Anita is also the author of two beautifully illustrated, authoritative guides to UK shore diving, find out more.