This year’s BSAC Election will see some key changes in the BSAC Council lineup, as the posts of Chair and four ordinary council members will become available at this May’s AGM.
With the closing date for nominations set for 31 January, BSAC is inviting members interested in joining the council team to put their names forward.
Apply onlineCandidate application pack
Alternatively, you can find an offline application form here to download and print.
BSAC Council members Maria Harwood, Andy Shenstone, and Rachael Brown explain what being on the BSAC board means to them and give their advice to would-be 2022 Election candidates.
Maria Harwood
Maria has been on BSAC Council for five years, first as Vice-Chair before taking over the Chair role three years ago. A National Instructor and member of Chorley SAC, Maria has been a member of BSAC for 38 years and will be stepping down at the AGM in May.
One of the best things about being on BSAC Council is making a difference. If you think you have the right skills and experience, then pick up the phone and have a chat.
You do need to put in the hours. The key is to allocate time in the week before each council meeting to familiarise yourself with papers etc. You should then focus your other efforts on the areas where you can make an impact rather than try to be involved in too many things.
My advice to anyone considering putting their name forward is to have an open mind. BSAC is a bigger organisation than many people think, as the financial turnover and number of employees doesn’t take in to account the massive volunteer network. So, always seek to understand before taking a view.
Andy Shenstone
A member of Vale Royal SAC, Andy joined BSAC Council in 2019 and is currently Chair of its People and Culture Committee. An Advanced Diver and Open Water Instructor, Andy has most recently worked as part of the team behind the new MyBSAC app.
I see the role of Council as supporting the work of HQ to deliver a sustainable outcome for our members. This includes ensuring BSAC offers value for money and invests wisely in support of our long-term sustainability.
Being able to shape the organisation's future direction so it will be there for the next generation of divers is one of the most rewarding things about being on BSAC Council. But you need to think strategically and look at the bigger picture.
As a BSAC Council member, time management is essential, as is being careful not to over-commit. Aim to do a few things well, rather than a lot superficially. And ensure you can give the necessary time, which will require you to trade-off against other commitments – even diving!
Rachael Brown
Now in her second year as an elected member of BSAC Council, Rachael is currently a member of Leeds University Union SAC (LUUSAC). A Dive Leader, she sits on both BSAC Council’s Nominations Committee and the People and Culture Committee. Rachael brings a professional interest in governance, diversity, and inclusion to her council role.
Being a member of BSAC Council is different for different people and the role allows colleagues to work to their strengths and preferences within the board environment. I have a strong preference for collaborative working and joined the council with a desire to help our organisation hear the voices of all members, particularly those who are not traditionally given spaces to be heard.
This is not a diving role. BSAC Council is tasked with the oversight and governance of the whole organisation, but this is not an operational role and collaborative working is essential.
Being a member of Council means you get a holistic view of the work of the whole organisation and the wider impact we have. We rely on good people to put themselves forward, so do reach out if you think you have something to offer.
Interested in putting your name forward for BSAC Council? Here’s what to do next...
Candidate nominations for the council positions of Chair and four ordinary council members that are becoming available in May 2022 should be submitted by the closing date of 31 January 2022.
Apply onlineCandidate application pack
Alternatively, you can find an offline application form here to download and print.
All applications must be received by 23:59 on 31 January 2022.
All potential candidates are advised to contact BSAC's CEO Mary Tetley for an informal conversation about what’s involved in being on Council before applying. For more information on the role of Chair, please contact Mary Tetley CEO at maryt@bsac.com or Maria Harwood BSAC Chair at chair@bsac.com.
All nominees for the BSAC Election 2022 must be listed as a paid-up full BSAC member on the BSAC database at 23:59, 31 January 2022. Members may only apply for one position.
Special Resolutions and Motions
Any Special Resolutions/Motions to be raised at BSAC’s AGM 2022 must also be submitted by 23:59 on 31 January 2022.
Special Resolutions/Motions to be raised at the AGM submitted by a branch committee must be accompanied by the relevant extract from the branch meeting minutes. At least four other voting members must second Special Resolutions/Motions submitted by a voting member.
All Special Resolutions/Motions should be sent to BSAC’s Honorary Secretary c/o Chief Executive Mary Tetley at maryt@bsac.com.
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