Kirsty Andrews reflects on the past 12 months of her diving and resolves to take a new direction in 2025.
And so it comes round again, the end of a year. A perfect time to reflect on the successes and challenges of the past 12 months, and plan some excitements for the next twelve.
A couple of years ago I spent my January column talking about fitness for divers, and mentioning productive use of the club pool to work on aforementioned fitness… this raised quite some mirth in my own club, some of whom may have remarked dryly on my own pool attendance record. It hasn’t been any better this year, for which I can produce many excuses, some more believable than others. So I won’t focus on fitness this time except to say we all know it’s important. A fitter diver is a safer one.
Other resolutions are available, which are less likely to fall by the wayside. Let’s try those instead.
This time last year I asked myself the question, which dives did I really want to do? I thought of two dive sites I had absolutely loved in the past but not managed to revisit for far too long. I’m speaking of the wrecks of the M2 and the Baygitano on the South Coast; both absolute stunners in the right conditions. I wasn’t even being that ambitious in my goal-setting, as charter boats regularly take divers to both. My approach to dive planning tends to be quite haphazard and I have a habit of saying yes to everything if I can: this time I would be more purposeful and targeted.
How did I do? The M2 still eludes me. I couldn’t find a date that worked, or conditions led to cancellation. That one, I’m rolling over to 2025. Might see a few of you down there!
My approach to dive planning tends to be quite haphazard and I have a habit of saying yes to everything if I can: this time I would be more purposeful and targeted
The Baygitano on the other hand was far more successful. I managed a handful of dives, including a double-header on one day, on that 20m-deep wrecky playground, and she was just as gloriously fishy as I’d remembered. Fantastic fun: I’ll never say no to another dive on the Baggy but I’m happy that I planned the dive and dived the plan in 2024.
Another regular rolling goal (and I admit a slightly competitive one between me and my buddy) is to see a new (to me) marine species every year. I managed several, including the elusive red bandfish, not once but twice, and introduced my buddy to his first red blenny as we zoomed past in the Rathlin Island current. Red is the colour of success for us this year.
There are actually a couple of other more challenging mini-projects that I’m working on; I’m happy with progress but they’re not quite finished yet, so watch this space for now and I hope to report back in these pages soon. Beyond that, I want to be more purposeful in my diving generally; in a number of ways. Giving back to the BSAC community, inspiring love of the sea beyond our existing groups, capturing data and sharing it to add to maritime knowledge: all are worthy causes where plentiful resolution opportunities lie.
What aspiration is pushing itself to the top of your list for 2025? ‘Dive more’ is a good one but be specific and you’ll be able to look back next time and really measure your success. In these cold windy winter months, it brings a warm glow and an enthusiasm to take us into the New Year.
Article ‘Resolution season’ by Kirsty Andrews first published in SCUBA magazine, Issue 152 January-February 2025.