A hello from our friends at BSAC Japan, the mystery of the toilet wreck, a surprise encounter with a Great White Shark and questioning the true intelligence of fish in this September issue of iSCUBA

Welcome to this month's iSCUBA issue with exciting features, BSAC news, updates from the diving world and so much more...

iSCUBA 138 front page

Open September 2023 iSCUBA

September issue highlights

  • Kirsty Andrews' encounter with a great white shark – page 21

  • Kristina Pedder meets our friends at BSAC Japan - page 28

  • Dom Robinson dives a wreck that sunk in 1672 – page 41

  • Saeed Rashid's travel feature on the island of Sulawesi - page 52 , plus more...

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Open September 2023 iSCUBA



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