BSAC Regional Teams in the UK are offering a new service to support clubs that may be finding instructor resource particularly difficult right now and for members that have not managed to complete their Ocean Diver training yet.
The results from September’s club survey helped BSAC better understand some of the challenges clubs are facing. Not being able to actively recruit new members has hit clubs hard but not being able to progress new member training has been challenging too.
Keen to offer practical assistance to clubs and members, the regional coaching teams are looking at facilitating Ocean Diver open water lessons for all UK members and there will be limited pool training on offer too. BSAC Coaching Advisor at the time said:
Thousands of new members will have started their training but through no fault of their own may not have qualified yet. Despite the current challenges, as an organisation we must do what we can to support the training progression of these new members so we are doing our very best to keep them engaged in the sport and club life.
Register your interest
If you are a club that needs instructor support with Ocean Diver trainees or you are a new trainee yourself and would like to get the open water lessons of your Ocean Diver course completed, trainees need to complete the online form at bsac.com/ODassistance to register interest.
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