The start of the dive season boat run has fast become an annual tradition for BSAC clubs, with clubs coming from the Midlands, Cornwall, Wales, Yorkshire and North West to take part.
A massive thanks to Kevin, Paul and the rest of the East Cheshire Sub-Aqua Club team for organising all the previous Menai Boat Runs. This year East Cheshire are taking a well-deserved break and the Menai Boat Run will be organised by a team from Chester SAC and Merseyside SAC who have big boots to fill.
How to register for the Menai Boat Run
The organisers have set the date of Sunday 10 March 2019. Registration has started on a first come first served basis to ensure things are fair, individual clubs are limited to a maximum of 2 boats.
With many clubs already registered for the 2019 Menai Boat Run, there are a few spaces left. To Register please email the organisers bsacmenai2019@gmail.com and they will then advise how to confirm your booking with the £10 deposit per boat.
There will be a final payment of £50, payable by the end of January 2019 (so a total of £60 per boat).
For this you will receive a press pack and crew pack with navigation and points of interest, it also covers the launch fees which will be paid centrally by the organisers to the Dinas Boat Yard, the organisers will also arrange pre-orders of food at the Chip Shop in Beaumaris.
Menai Boat Run 2019 information from the organisers
- We are again aiming to raise over £1,000 for the RNLI and to foster a team spirit between the boats and clubs that attend.
- We will donate a large cheque to the RNLI and aim to have a group photo outside the Beaumaris Lifeboat Station, if the lifeboat crew are not called out we hope they and the boat will get in the picture this time.
- We will have photographs taken on the day as well as aerial footage that will be used to generate some positive press for BSAC and the clubs.
- These materials will be provided as a press pack after the event along with some advice on how to make the most of the PR materials to promote your clubs locally and hopefully generate some good press and potential membership leads in your local areas.
- We expect that the event will again be oversubscribed, so we ask clubs to limit themselves to 2 boats (at least until we have completed the first stage of the registration process and can assess numbers).
Registration is required to ensure you get a place on the event.